Menstrual Health Matters
Society is not with us let’s face it. We are still very much living in a Patriarchy.
Our bodies are ignored or laughter at, our emotions and moods are brushed off, and our wisdom is avoided.
We are the SEERS of the world, we hold the keys, the answers, and the wisdom.
Each month, we have great access to this during our bleeding time. At other times during the month, we have access to ACTION and to a deep INSIGHT of how things could be better.
The CURRENT view of Bleeding people is:
It’s outside the norm to bleed
We are weak to have emotions
It’s not okay for our bodies to change
It’s annoying to have mood shifts
We have bodies that change in the month. We get bloated before we bleed, our bellies swell. Our breasts get larger and more tender. After we bleed, our bellies subside, until ovulation, where they may swell again.
Our bodies change almost immediately with pregnancy, tightening and growing breasts, energy building within our belly.
As we age, our breasts move downward, our bellies become soft, our thighs have more girth.
Why is this slandered?
We have BODIES that bleed each month. For some there is excruciating pain, migraines and Headaches backaches and extreme fatigue, disabling ability to work or to care for the family.
Why is this ignored?
We are BEINGS whose emotions shift week to week and often day to day. We are layered and emotional and deep.
Each day may bring something new, one day we may feel so confident on top of the world, In the next hour confidence tanks, We are unsure of ourselves.
Why is this not registering?
We have MINDS and energy systems that are able to answer difficult questions at certain times of the month. We are the SEERS, the holders of the Oracle, the keepers of wisdom.
Why is this not honored?
Change for our daughters, granddaughters, our nieces and our little neighbors begins with how we take care of ourselves.
This is a movement and a revolution that begins HERE, with our bodies.
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