Your thoughts: Mindset and your Biz
What you are doing right now in your business is a direct result of what thoughts you are having. Your thoughts are always either working for or against you.
Ever notice that right before your period, your self-esteem drops and suddenly you feel lost and confused? Ever feel that feeling of wanting to hide when you walk into a room with people you perceive as ‘beyond you.’ Ever try and post something on social media only to redo it a thousand times, and then dump it in the trash?
These examples are all ways that your mind is not working for you. The trigger doesn’t so much matter, whether it’s hormones or a networking dinner. It’s about what’s at the root.
By healing the root, we heal the symptoms.
The symptoms? Fear, confusion, procrastination, quitting, playing it safe and not speaking your truth.
We all have our own. Here’s some that crop up for me, and maybe you too.
I’m too quiet, no one will hear me
I don’t look so good, better skip the video
I need to have a doctor’s recommendation before writing this article
I should be cleaning the house, not writing this article
My kids need me available at ALL times
What will people say when they read this
These thoughts all have one thing in common:
They ALL exist because of an individual story, and the beliefs that were created around the experiences.
Events, small and big in your life, created a perspective that is shaping how you move forward as an entrepreneur.
Feeling lost, left behind, scared, unsupported, unheard or disconnected as a kid all go into your brain’s processing bank and come at as beliefs.
Fast forward to you, today, grown-ass and feeling lost, unsure, and unclear. The same feelings you had as a kid have been replicating in your business, showing up as plateaus, limits, blocks and fears.
When we feel these things, we have one thing in common.
The thought takes form. It becomes a mountain. A mountain that we cannot pass, cannot climb.
The height feels impenetrable, unclimbable, and not for us.
And, along with these thoughts are physical, bodily sensations: tightness in your chest, brain fog sets, racing thoughts, widening eyes, locking shoulders, glancing around for somewhere to hide.
Sound familiar? These are all sensations I know very well. And for a long time, this is where my work stopped.
I didn’t write the article, I didn’t make the phone call, and I didn’t create the real work in the world I wanted to.
We all have repeating thoughts rooted in early experiences. They may look like some of these:
I am scared to play this game because last time I fell and that boy laughed at me
I got a bad haircut and was so embarrassed on picture day
I was abused and cannot trust myself and my body again
Every relationship I’ve ever had ended terribly, why try
My parents never believed in me, why should I
Or a thousand other examples
The problem is that these thoughts usually go unchecked.
We just go around on the other end of a thought leash. We forget to get curious, we forget to reclaim our mind, and we forget that we are not a small child anymore.
When we forget all of this, the thought has already taken hold and halted progress in our business.
At that point, no strategy in the world can help, the belief has already set in.
This is why you’re unclear, scared, and why that mountain is there.
It is as simple as feeling scared as a kid, and that fear ballooning into a belief that has taken hold in your mind.
Beliefs are like that. They feel huge until you realize they are not real. They can change. You can change them.
Mindset is the practice, first, of curiosity of our own thoughts.
We can begin to observe what we think, and then write down what these thoughts are. This practice alone elicits groundbreaking clarity.
And ALL it is is writing down your thoughts.
We begin with the tasks that you get stuck on, the things you are procrastinating, a reaction you keep having, a reason you can’t do something, or an inability to SEE what to do next.
You do not have to be anywhere other than where you are to begin. That is the magic of this work.
Want to begin? Get a notebook and brain dump. Get everything that you’re thinking right now related to your business. As yourself question like “What do I believe about social media, what do I really want to do with my business, but am scared to, and I’ve always wanted to do this, but never have”
Comments, questions? Drop in on me in instagram and say hello.
In partnership,